People involved in car crashes can suffer numerous different injuries ranging from minor to life-threatening. For example, car crashes and pedestrian collisions could easily cause a traumatic brain injury (TBI). Those involved in crashes might strike their head on something or experience violent motions that cause swelling inside the skull.
A TBI can slowly worsen over time if crash victims do not seek medical care and receive a prompt diagnosis. However, it is quite common for people to overlook the warning signs of a brain injury after a crash. They hope that they don’t have a serious injury, and they let that hope influence how they perceive the situation. The ability to recognize the symptoms of a TBI can help someone get the medical care and financial compensation they require because of this potentially debilitating injury. The following are the most common symptoms of a traumatic brain injury.
Sensory symptoms
One of the main things that the human brain does is to manage how people perceive the world. The brain constantly processes visual information, sounds and smells. Those with brain injuries may develop issues with blurry vision, ringing in their ears or even olfactory processing. Those sensory symptoms may worsen over time and can permanently affect how someone perceives the world around them.
Motor functions symptoms
The brain also controls how people use their bodies. Some people with brain injuries develop very uncoordinated, awkward movements. They may develop an irregular walking pattern or gait. Some people with TBIs struggle with fine motor control. While they used to do embroidery or solder microchips as a hobby, they may develop issues with fine motor control. Other people experience changes to their sense of equilibrium that can lead to them falling.
Cognitive symptoms
Obviously, an injury to the brain can significantly alter how someone thinks and how their brain works. Some people report memory issues. Memory issues can range from difficulty recalling old information to challenges developing new memories. People may experience a change in their overall mood or personality after a brain injury. Others may have a difficult time making decisions or focusing when they used to spend hours handling the minutiae of complicated projects.
The symptoms of a TBI are sometimes permanent, as there is no actual cure for a brain injury. In some cases, symptoms may continue to worsen over time if people do not receive treatment to address the bleeding or swelling that initially caused the symptoms. As such, receiving proper medical diagnosis and treatment can make all the difference for those who may have a TBI caused by a car wreck.