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Most distracted drivers know their behavior is risky

On Behalf of | Feb 27, 2017 | Distracted Driving

Smart technology has made everything easy, except for saying no.

Numerous studies have found that drivers abhor texting and driving when they see it, yet most do it themselves. A new study from the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety backs up that finding: both in behavior and perception.

Overall, 40 percent of drivers admitted to reading a text or email in the previous month, yet 78 percent called it “completely unacceptable” according to the survey.

Just how common is distracted driving?

The study separates its responses by age groupings and driving behavior, specifically inquiring about texts/emails while driving, speeding and running red lights. As a whole, over two-thirds of participants admitted to risky behavior in each category. Ages 16 to 18, and over 60 were marginally safer. Those between ages 19-24 were most likely to break the rules.

The striking element of the AAA survey is not only the rate of risky driving, but that drivers seemingly know better. In most cases, the same respondents said the behaviors in question were unacceptable, yet admitted to doing it themselves.

The consequences of distract driving

The study comes in the wake of 2016, which showed the largest increase of traffic fatalities in decades.

Anyone who injured by a collision with a distracted driver should consult with an attorney to explore your options. It’s painful enough to get back on track after an accident. Drivers know that distracted behavior is inexcusable and such accidents can be prevented. You need someone who will fight for you when drivers overlook their responsibility to practice safe habits themselves.
